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Head West For Spring

Fresh, fragrant, and flourishing. Words often associated with spring and so descriptive of Carmarthenshire at this time of year. Spring is a time of reawakening and renewal. And there is nowhere better to recharge the batteries and inject fresh energy than our beautiful, blossoming and buzzing county, just at the end of the M4. Yes, it’s time to take a leaf out of the warming sun’s book and head west. 



The mild westerly winds from the Atlantic mean that spring arrives just a bit sooner than many other places in the UK. The winds bring the ingredients of new life: warmth and water, the triggers for a lively and lovely new season. 

Rejuvenate your body after winter hibernation. Fill your lungs with fresh air as you walk the mountains in the north of the county. At RSPB’s Gwenffrwd Dinas you can walk through bluebell carpeted Celtic rainforest. Then detour and head up to Twm Sion Cati’s cave, reputed to be the hideout of the legendary Welsh, Robin Hood.

After all that activity you’ll need some healthy food to ready for the next Carmarthenshire spring adventure. So, you’ll be pleased to know that this time of year, the markets and the restaurants are full of locally grown spring greens, spring onions, cress, beetroots, and carrots.